ANDREY SAVILOV, PROFESSOR – Irkutsk State Technical University, Russia

ANDREY SAVILOV, PROFESSOR – Irkutsk State Technical University, Russia

We use CutPro to increase productivity of machining in different areas, especially in aerospace industry. Using CutPro you can get benefits even if you have machine tools with low power spindles and low stiffness.

Next field where we apply MAL software is the cutter design. We can estimate cutting forces and vibrations before machining for different tools. So we save our time and money. The real advantage of CutPro is the opportunity to simulate serrated mills. They are very popular for roughing of aviation components. These cutters have complex construction and geometrics. You can optimize chip breaking geometrics and cutting process for serrated mills with CutPro V10 successfully.

June 12, 2014

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